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Leviton’s Submetering Team: Your One-Stop Solutions Specialists

With more and more multi-tenant commercial buildings, residential multi-family communities, and mixed-use complexes being constructed, the need for submeters – systems which meter individual units so that each tenant can be billed based on their specific electric usage (as opposed to the use of one central utility meter) – is greater than ever, thanks to both society’s ongoing desire to reduce energy costs as well as the growing number of local and state building and energy codes mandating the use of submeters.
Leviton’s VerifEyeTM line of submetering solutions and software for commercial, industrial, and residential electricity submetering applications help building owners and property managers proactively track and analyze their usage, reduce energy consumption and costs, achieve code compliance, and meet building efficiency standards such as LEED, California Title 24, ASHRAE 90, Seattle Energy Code, and New York Law 88.

If you think that installing a submetering system and achieving these benefits is overly complicated, however, think again! Thanks to Leviton’s team of submetering
specialists nationwide, the specification of high-quality, user-friendly, and cost saving submetering systems tailored to your application is just one call away.

“The Easy Button”

“Because submetering systems haven’t been commonplace in the commercial/industrial sector until recently and many building professionals and channel members aren’t as familiar with them, these projects are thought to be more complex,” shared Troy Hull, CEM, CMVP, Director of Leviton’s Measurement & Verification Group, Energy Management, Controls & Automation. “The fact is, they’re becoming a bigger piece of the building ecosystem due to code requirements and voluntary energy management standards such as LEED, but they’re actually very simple to install and tie together with communications hardware.”
“Submeters produce data that building professionals must interpret in order to achieve their objectives, and that’s where these systems can be perceived as complicated,” noted Kira Schmidt, Leviton’s Sales Specialist, Measurement & Verification Group for the Central Region. “Users need specialists who understand how to put all of the pieces of a submetering system together to create a complete solution, and that’s what our team of experts does,” she said. “We work with customers through their entire project – from the contractor’s installation, commissioning, and startup to implementation of the system by the owners -- and ensure that they’re covered all the way through the process.”

Mike Wilson, Leviton’s Sales Specialist, Measurement & Verification for the Northeast Region, acknowledged that submetering can be intimidating to those who don’t work with these systems every day. “Distributors sell thousands of different products,” he said, “so I tell distributors that they don’t need to be submetering experts – they can rely on Leviton to help close their sales and support their customers and projects.”
“From lighting to gear, wire, and more, most distributors have tons of product lines to cover and don’t prepare enough submetering quotes to be efficient at putting them together,” agreed Rob Mack, Leviton’s Sales Specialist, Measurement & Verification Group for the Southeast Region. “Distributors may not know how to start these projects or where to turn, but Leviton will provide a ‘one-stop shop’ solution that encompasses all system design, pricing, and availability. Our team members have decades of experience in submetering,” he said, “and we pride ourselves on being ‘The Easy Button’ for end users and channel members.”

According to Don Elder, Leviton Sales Specialist, Measurement & Verification Group for the Northwest Region, “there
are just three submetering components and a software package involved in our system and the customer can breathe easy. Our professional support team will create a tailored bill of material for each customer based on their specific application and needs.” At Leviton, Elder said, “we’re committed to making submetering easy and there’s no one else in the marketplace doing it like us.”

A ’One and Done’ Solution

“Our VerifEye meter solutions are all linked together by communication technologies that read meters, gather data, and push it to the cloud where our software resides,” Hull explained. “Studies show that when tenants are accountable for their energy expenses through such tools as submetering, they use 20-30% less energy. At the same time, submetering systems can identify anomalies in usage caused by, for example, leaks in a refrigeration system or other system malfunctions, as well as other energy conservation opportunities that submeter data can identify.”

“The good news is that Leviton’s product line is so versatile that distributors can sell it as a system or in pieces because it meets the needs of over 95% of submetering applications in the market,” Hull continued, “and we support our projects from cradle to grave better than anyone in the industry.”
“Leviton’s submetering system is also expandable,” Wilson noted. “For example, many end users will install a handful of meters and then decide later that they want to read them remotely. Our existing Leviton meters can tie into and read other manufacturers’ onsite meters for water, gas, gear, and more at a later time,” Wilson said. “Our flexible systems allow for easy expansion, and we can make the data accessible wherever and in whatever way the customer wants.”

Overall, the team confirmed that Leviton’s submetering systems and support are second-to-none in the industry.
“There are a lot of new players on the submetering scene,” Mack confirmed, “but Leviton has been here for well over a century and our products are expertly engineered and proven. By providing full support for all of our products, we deliver peace of mind to distributors and their customers.”

“The number of different manufacturers and submetering components out there can frustrate end users and force them to have to work with multiple suppliers,” agreed Elder, who confirmed the ease of Leviton’s one-and-done solutions. “We’ll pull it all together in one simple package and provide training and support throughout the entire process.”

“Overall, our team of Leviton specialists is extremely accessible to distributors, contractors, and end users and brings a level of submetering expertise that can’t be found anywhere in the industry,” Schmidt concluded. “We’re a tremendous asset and value-added resource and we hope that distributors will rely on us to help them sell and win submetering projects.”

For more information on Leviton’s VerifEye line of submetering solutions and Building Manager Online (BMO) web-based software, visit For support with a project or to reach one of Leviton’s Regional Submetering Sales Specialists, contact your local Leviton electrical sales representative.
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