Leviton's Network Solutions Business Unit is Carbon Neutral
Leviton’s Network Solutions Business Unit committed to be Carbon Neutral by the year 2025 and is now the first of four Leviton Business Units to achieve Carbon Neutrality.
Click here to read the press release. |
If you haven't heard, the NFPA 70B received a major update in 2023. The NFPA 70B, known as the Standard for Electrical Equipment Maintenance, details preventive maintenance for electrical, electronic, and communication systems and equipment.
We've put together several tools to help educate your customers on this new update, including a new landing page. |
EV Charging and the available discounts in your arrea
There are many Federal and State incentives being offered to promote the widespread adoption of electric and other alternative fuel vehicles, including tax breaks, reduced utility rates and more. Below is a selection of incentives and rebates currently available across North America. Be sure to check back frequently for more states and provinces to be added and to stay up to date on any new incentives and rebates that become available.
Click here to find rebates and incentives in your state and for more information about Leviton EV products, click here. |
Leviton's "Under a Minute"
Welcome to our "Under a Minute" video series, where we're covering everything from innovative time-saving solutions to debunking industry myths and answering common questions - all in under 60 seconds. Did you know that industrial switches offer you more with Inform Technology? Find out how in this brand-new segment of “Under a Minute."
Click here to watch part one. |
Leviton Mfg. Company Inc. |
201 North Service Rd.
Melville, NY 11747