The New and Improved Leviton Full Line Catalog: Have it Your Way
Just when you thought the Leviton L400 full line catalog was as comprehensive and easy to use as it could get, it just keeps improving. This interactive digital catalog, available online or through the Leviton Library App now allows any user to create their own custom catalog by selecting the pages or sections they want to include. With the “My Catalog” feature you can just select the pages and arrange them in any order you want. You then have the choice to save your catalog as a pdf or publish it and receive a unique web link to share with your customers.
With detailed product information for more than 25,000 products, the L-400 catalog includes features and benefits, specifications, photos, set-up guides and installation tips to help customers make the right selection for the right application. And this updated edition includes all of Leviton’s most recent innovative products and enhancements. This includes an entirely new section on our full portfolio of Power Pedestals as well as the cutting-edge Decora® Edge family of switches and outlets that are designed for quicker and more |
efficient installation and improved safety. Our redesigned products range from the simplified Decora Countdown timers and switches to the sophisticated EZ-MAX H lighting and energy management solutions. Hardware and software updates, such as the VerifEye™ Series 7000 submetering system and the powerful building manager online (BMO) system have been updated to provide accurate real time energy data for a broad range of facilities and multi-tenant buildings.
Gone are the days of lugging around paper catalogs that get outdated and dog-eared as quickly as they come off the press. The Leviton full-line catalog is located on Leviton.com and in the Leviton Library app enabling instant access with your computer or mobile device. With a simple swipe, anybody can navigate and search through all the product offerings including electrical wiring devices, energy management systems, lighting controls and even network and data center connectivity solutions. The Leviton electronic catalog offers features such as zooming in and photo captures and now customization. You can also join the L-400 mailing list to automatically receive the latest catalog updates and enhancements as soon as they are released. Visit Leviton.com/full-linecatalog for the electronic version and to join the mailing list for updates. |
Leviton Mfg. Company Inc. |
201 North Service Rd.
Melville, NY 11747