Our new line of Decora Countdown Timer Switches consists of eleven models in total, including 15A models featuring our new Green Flex Sleeve for easy wiring to ground or neutral wires, and 20A models that can be used in single pole, multi-way or multi-timer applications and support higher load ratings.
Leviton’s innovative Green Flex Sleeve Wire on the new 15A models provides the option to connect to ground in homes without a neutral wire; or remove the green sleeve and connect to the neutral wire, if available. Additionally, the line and load wires are interchangeable to help reduce miswiring during the installation process. The 15A models are available in six time setting options including 15-, 30- and 60- minute and 2-, 4- and 12-hour settings.
Our new 20A countdown timer models support larger loads and are the only countdown timers currently on the market that can be used for 3-way and multi-way applications as well as applications using multiple timers, where two 20A timers can be used to control the same load. These models are available in five time setting options: 30- and 60- minute and 2-, 4- and 12-hour settings. A neutral wire is required for installation.
Both the 15A and 20A models have a shallow depth of less than one inch for easier installation, an intuitive user interface with large, labeled buttons and a separate off switch. They are rated for and compatible with LED loads as well as CFL, Incandescent, Halogen, Magnetic Low Voltage, Fluorescent and Motor loads.