Sailing into State Energy Code Resources
and Updates
Keeping up with code updates
Swimming through the sea of energy codes to find current and updated information can be a cumbersome, time-consuming job. Yet, each project has its own specific safety requirements to abide to enforceable codes. Your contractors already have much to do to keep each project on track. Having a quick reference at their fingertips gives them the tool they need to recommend products and instills confidence in providing their customers with valuable guidelines.
State-by-state energy codes
The International Energy Conservation Code (IECC), the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) and the California’s Title 24 all have certain code requirements for commercial builders. It is essential for them to comply with the latest codes and guidelines in their region. The solution? Leviton’s robust state-by-state energy code adoption portal.
Some states take a detour from the main code standards. For example, Washington State adopted the 2023 Washington Energy Code (WSEC) as well as the Seattle Energy Code (SEC). Both are based on the 2021 IECC. However, these new codes have state specific amendments for metering and submetering; which can be confusing. The Seattle Code for Energy Metering (Chapter 4) requires newer buildings (over 20,000 sq ft) to have individual submetering when a tenant occupies an entire floor. Additionally, collection of energy use data for the total building (C409.3.1) in several categories such as space heating, dehumidification, boilers, pumps, supply fans and parking garages. Interestingly, energy data use for electrical vehicle charging is also recorded. The latest WSEC code became effective July 1, 2023, and SEC in late 2023.
Quick reference at your fingertips
Users need to simply click on the USA map for the state in question and instantly, a host of vital code information is revealed in a PDF they can print or save to a computer or phone. The information is kept up-to-date and suggests Leviton code-compliant products to further aid the specifier, installer, or property management. |
Code compliance can be a big murky pond to wade into but with the help of Leviton’s energy code tools, distributors and contractors can have clarity and a trusted source for reference. Click here to access the state-by-state energy code portal as well as a host of other energy code tools and resources. |
Leviton Mfg. Company Inc. |
201 North Service Rd.
Melville, NY 11747