Leviton Featured App - Leviton Library
Revised April 2022
Leviton Library App
Access Leviton's vast digital library of catalogs right to your device with the Leviton Library app! Through the app, you have access to over 25,000 Leviton products; from electrical wiring devices, network and data center connectivity solutions, and electric vehicle chargers, to energy management systems, and security and automation applications – all are available right at your fingertips! This even includes the L-400 Full Product catalog, which is updated seasonally.
Solutions are grouped by product families or by application, so whether you are at home, on the job site or warehouse, in a meeting, or just on the go, finding the right product is made simple and seamless with the Leviton Library app! The catalogs are easy to navigate, intuitive browsing control, one-touch sharing via email and social media, and each catalog or brochure can be downloaded right to your device for offline access. What's more, the products and solutions shown have hyperlinks integrated in the text, so tapping on a product name will bring you to the product's item page straightaway!
Click here to download the Leviton Library App.
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Leviton Mfg.
Company Inc.
201 North Service Rd.
Melville, NY 11747